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7 - Manual Time rule


                - The name of the manual log that we are implementing
                - The hours, minutes and seconds that we wish to add to the task

          The application displays an icon in the menu bar. The menu that appears when you click on it will display all currently active tasks. It is possible to select a task to enter Manual Log mode, that is, all time is assigned to that task regardless of the rules                          imposed on other tasks or of other factors. In this mode Projects becomes a task manager where you select the activity to be accomplished and the application assigns time accordingly.

8.0 - Different types of rules can be added to the Task. Basically there are 3 types of rules in addition to the manual log, and every rule adds time to the task it is assigned to.

8 - Web Sites rules
This rule allows you to monitor Web sites so that when browsing a site the time spent on the site will be added to your task.

9 - Folder Log rules
Conversely this rule applies to folders: when you use a file in a folder the time spent on that file will be added to your task.

10 - Applications Rule
The application rule allows you to monitor applications, to know how long you're spending on each individual app.

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